
Meeting & Events

Looking for a location in Eindhoven for a relaxed meeting, training or event? At Crown Hotel Eindhoven Centre you will find everything you need for your business meeting.

Central meeting location in the heart of Eindhoven

Crown Hotel Eindhoven Centre is centrally located in the heart of Eindhoven. The hotel is easy to reach by car and train. Ideal for your business-related stay! We have our own parking facilities across the hotel, where you can park (subject to availability), against a fee. There is free wifi in your room and in public areas.

Crown Hotel Eindhoven Meetings Landscape


Crown Hotel Eindhoven Centre has a multifunctional meeting room. For business meetings and training sessions this is the ideal space, equipped with all necessary meeting facilities. In addition, this room has an adjoining lounge which can be used to take a break or for a cosy drink. The room has recently been equipped with optimal fresh air flow and air circulation, so that you can count on a safe and responsible meeting environment.

Training and events

With our extensive experience in organising training courses and events, we are the ideal sparring partner. Whether we’re talking about a businesslike meeting or training, at Crown Hotel Eindhoven Centre you're always in the right place. Our hotel is centrally located and easily accessible by public transport and by car. Curious about our possibilities? We’ll be pleased to join in your deliberations!

Request quote

We are happy to provide you with a quote that fits your needs. For this we need some data. In the offer we give you detailed information about the possibilities and facilities within the package that suits your meeting. Of course you can also call us directly.

  • You will receive the quote within 4 hours (within working hours)
  • We provide tailor-made advice

Discuss your wishes by telephone or by email